
Der Eid der Heilerin



London, 1465: Zum ersten Mal betritt die Heilerin und Kräuterfrau Anne die Stadt, die ihr wie ein Ungeheuer aus Stein erscheint. Aufgewachsen in den sagenumwobenen westlichen Wäldern soll sich die junge, anmutige Frau nun als Dienerin bei dem reichen Kaufmann Cuttifer verdingen. Doch schnell verbreitet sich die Kunde von ihrem geheimnisvollen Wissen um heilende Kräuter, und als die Königin schwer erkrankt, wird sie an den Hof gerufen. Unversehens begegnet Anne dort ihrer großen Liebe, die ihr Leben fortan schicksalhaft bestimmen wird: dem jungen König Edward IV.

Die Heilerin von Brügge



Über Nacht muss Anne, Heilerin am königlichen Hof, aus England fliehen, denn unter ihrem Herzen trägt sie ein gefährliches Geheimnis: ein Kind, lebendiges Zeugnis ihrer verbotenen Liebe zu König Edward IV. Erst in der Handelsstadt Brügge mit ihren engen Gassen, zahlreichen Grachten und Bürgern aus allen Ländern der Welt fühlt sich Anne in Sicherheit. Doch ihr neu gewonnenes Glück – ein eigenes Handelskontor und die Geburt ihres Sohnes – gerät abermals in Gefahr, als die wahre Herkunft ihres Kindes entdeckt zu werden droht.

Der Triumph der Heilerin



Der Krieg um Englands Thron stürzt das Land ins Elend und Anne de Bohun, einstige Geliebte von König Edwards IV., ist dankbar, mit ihrem Sohn in Brügge in Sicherheit zu sein. Doch dann muss Edward fliehen; Henry VI., Annes leiblicher Vater, hat in Westminster das königliche Zepter übernommen. Anne ist hin und her gerissen zwischen ihrer Liebe zu Edward und der Loyalität zu ihrem Vater. Und sie bangt um ihr Leben und das ihres Kindes, denn sie weiß nicht, ob sie dem zu ihrem Schutz befohlenen Leif Molnar in diesen verwirrenden Zeiten wirklich trauen kann.


The Innocent

The story begins in 1450, when civil unrest sweeps England and the struggle for the crown is at its peak. Deep in a western forest, a baby is born. Powerful forces plot to kill both mother and child, but somehow the newborn girl survives. Her name is Anne. Fifteen years later, England has a charismatic young king, Edward IV, and the country has begun to wake from the nightmare of the War of the Roses. When Anne is brought to London to be a servant in the household of a wealthy merchant, her unusual beauty soon provokes jealousy, lust and intrigue. But Anne has one special quality that saves her: her knowledge of herbs and healing. News of her remarkable gift spreads and she is brought to save the life of Edward's ailing queen. And so Anne comes to live in the royal palace, and it is here she finds her destiny: to be loved by the king himself.

The Exiled

In this windswept story set in the lusty fifteenth century, the enchanting Anne faces the challenge of raising her child in exile. Always resourceful, she flourishes as a merchant and is able to support her household. But the local businessmen aren't pleased about competing with a woman and her foes are multiplying around her, desperate to put her back in what they believe is her rightful place.

Anne has a secret that her enemies could use to destroy her. Her beloved son is the product of a passionate affair with the king, Edward IV, who knows nothing of his existence. If this information were to fall into the wrong hands, it could prove lethal for Anne and her child. She struggles to find peace in a world of duplicity and suspicion, where adversaries masquerade as allies, and someone very powerful wants her dead. Yet, despite the pressure of her enemies, what pains Anne the most is that she is unsure when or if she will see her darling Edward again.

aka as the Uncrowned Queen - see below

In this windswept story set in the lusty fifteenth century, the enchanting Anne faces the challenge of raising her child in exile. Always resourceful, she flourishes as a merchant and is able to support her household. But the local businessmen aren't pleased about competing with a woman and her foes are multiplying around her, desperate to put her back in what they believe is her rightful place.

Anne has a secret that her enemies could use to destroy her. Her beloved son is the product of a passionate affair with the king, Edward IV, who knows nothing of his existence. If this information were to fall into the wrong hands, it could prove lethal for Anne and her child. She struggles to find peace in a world of duplicity and suspicion, where adversaries masquerade as allies, and someone very powerful wants her dead. Yet, despite the pressure of her enemies, what pains Anne the most is that she is unsure when or if she will see her darling Edward again.